Saturday, January 06, 2007

After the fall

I believe the quote "ask and you shall recieve" must be some sort of make a wish device. Sure enough last week I said I missed the snow and yesterday we got it..........only to watch it all melt away today. These absolutly amazing snow flakes were floating down from the sky.....and I missed most of it because I went to Dageu for the day, which by the way I am almost convinced will never get snow. A lot of cold wind, but not snow.

The weekend was relaxing, which is wonderful considering what I know will come in the next week. The winter camp I am teaching at starting Monday will be taking a day trip to Dageu to go to an amusment park midweek. I'm confused how this helps them speak English but it'll be a day to keep grown up midgets out of trouble. Good thing I have thick hair. I think that I will be looking forward to the weekend.

I came to the PC room today to try and post pictures.........but since I can't read Korean, and have no idea how to place these pictures on the computer to post them.....all of you are just gonna have to wait until I can figure it out. We'll see what happens in this next week. I'm sad I didn't get pictures of the snow here, but by the time I got up today it was almost maybe I can catch some on top of the mountain. Oh and thank you Naval and Tobias for sending me pictures of snow.......both of you are ever so kind!!! I know my sarcasm maybe thick at times, but everyone has adjusted nicely by now haven't they?

Until next time.........when I actually have more to write!


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