Tuesday, January 23, 2007

No pictures possible

Over the last couple of months I have been experiencing something that we wouldn't have in Canada. Or in most of the western world I think. Bath Houses. Why would anyone want to strip naked (without the benefits of change or bills) in front of an audience that (I'm not being paranoid) stare and comment because I'm white. Hell I think I should get extra money for being the entertainment! I'll tell you why.........there seems to be a lack of bath tubs in everyone's apartment.........except for one.........you know who you are!

There are these buildings everywhere that have a symbol on the side of the building kinda like a bowl of steaming soup. Signals that it is a bath house. Some have different entrances to for the sexes, but most have this little window that you pay 3000 won and walk in. You part the curtain and........bingo naked ladies. Not for the men though lol. One of the best things is the heated floors in these buildings!! Well unless they are so hot you feel like you are on an beach in the summer. That's not fun.........you know the dance you end up doing to keep your feet off the floor........only it looks funnier naked. I know this because of all the mirrors, you have to trust me on this one.

Then you enter "the room". Think stone tile, three large tubs able to fit say 12-15 people and along the wall is a really low counter with shower heads........it makes stations really. You grab a big bowl and a station and start scrubbing. This is important!! Before you go into the warm bliss that is the hot tub you must scrub. Just like in any other tub if you don't the oils from you skin will start to float on top of the pool..........and no one wants to get into that. One tub is hot, the other is bloody freezing, and the last one is small, like a normal tub....I think people wash their clothes there.........no really!!

There are also three other rooms.......and they are all those hot rooms that I can’t spell the name for. One for laying down, and the other two with enough room for you to sit. I went into one once. It was enough. The touch barrier was broken..............it seems like no one in Korea has Tattoo's..........so they wanted to see if they came off, good thing it was the one on my foot. They have ice coffee in there too!

Then there is this machine that has a round pad on it that will spin when you activate the machine. Scrubs your back up nicely...........and it's funny to watch people (via the mirror of course) using the machine. Remember simple things amuse me lol. They will walk over too one of the pools (usually the warm one) hit it with a bowl full of water, then do the same to their back and go back the machine to get rubbed raw.

I think you realize why I can't post pictures of this ever.........I don't post porn *wink* But this is a very real part of Korean life. I don't know about the men, but the woman go there about once a week. They bring their children (they stare too) and its a portion of Korean life that I find myself submerged in. I couldn't give up the baths. Now my baths just have more activity in and out of the tub!


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