Sunday, March 04, 2007

Zoo Feb 18

Ste and I enjoying the zoo experience. The day was great to be kicking around outside.

This is how we got to the zoo. If we wanted to be suckers we could have walked for 15 minutes or so to the entrance, but we chose to take in the scenery from above. There was two of these, one to the park and one that skirted the park so you got a teaser of some of the attractions that we didn't have enough time to go to.

Across the way is Seoul's amusement park. This little area held the zoo, the amusement park and the museum of contemporary art. This is a weekend in its self.

The seal / dolphin show was so awesome. I have to say though, although the dolphins where the original draw, the seals stole the show. Ste took some video that will be on his blog.

I love tigers............and there were about seven of them.....but this was about as active as we saw them.......a few cages down though a black panther was looking at us like he found dinner.
My first time seeing a camel. I didn't realize how big they were.... they didn't spit at us though!

This bird wanted to munch on my finger.........and Steve found it amusing enough so he took a picture.


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