Saturday, January 27, 2007

No use begging

Here is yet another odd occurance that has happend to me here. Being literally chased down the street by over zealous religous people wanting you to go to their church. Here you are either religous or you are not. There really is no in bewteen. Meaning you go to church EVERY Sunday, and you go to temple everyday ect. So when the good towns folk finally seemed to get use to me walking around being my blonde self (not in the dumb way just the noticable on the street blonde........oh never mind) they start trying to figure out why they never see me in church.

And then come the papers, and the looks and the frustrating conversations of them trying to convince you (or at least I'm assuming this because I can barley understand them and them me) to come to their church. Touch barrier is broken again with the arm grab as you try to smile and say no nicely and walk away..........and then when it breaks and the chase begins. One found me in a store getting food, so she gave me another paper. I pay for my food like a proper person would, started walking home and BOOM there she is again three blocks away coming after me. There's no where to run, no crowd to get lost's just her and me...and that bloody peice of paper. So she catches up to me ( if I run it looks worse at this time I figure)........and gives me more paper.....and possibly the same paper bacause I left it for some other poor soul / sap *cough*. So I take it and add it to my pile at home, of the same information for the same church.

It's easy to spot them to. They carry binders and they can whip out the paper like a gun in an old western. "Come here varmet, I'm a gonna convert yous" BOOM. And that is how I heat my house now. A fire with all the paper that they have given me. The hopeful/self rightous flames are the best heat source I have found.


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