Saturday, October 06, 2007


Welcome to Pohang and our adventures here. Pohang is on the east coast of Korean. We haven't seen water in a long time!

This is Tomas the Turtle. Steve's got a thing for alliteration.

Just so you know where you are....

See a shape....and COPY!

In Korea you can buy drinks, including alcohol outside and proceed to drink it out side as well. Which we did on a very large hill with a view out into the harbour.

He beat me at pool...... this is the face he gets..

Welcome to a cheesy love motel in Korea. Behind me is a beautiful picture made even better by the black lights above me. Say CHEESE fest.

This is what we woke up to the following morning. Note to self.....never get a hotel outside a place that may in fact be the starting/finishing line of a marathon.

Chris and I duking it out in front of a compound that promotes non violence.

Guardian of the temple.

With his buddy....

Chris' Superman Pose

Bored and fancy free. To many temples that look to much alike.

Here's when some of the magic happens. We are cresting a mountain to get to the many waterfalls in this provincial park.
The path ways were well developed up until this point, after this it's all trail.

I think we just like to beat up Chris.........

He's not stranded
This is the face Chris makes when you go "hey Chris" and flick water at

A very nice walk!!

He's not really kicking him off a high, sharp drop off that would land him in a pile of dull and sharp edged rocks.....

The first waterfall we see.

A path to get over.....

to this spot where shoes are taken off, and curses said due to sharp SHARP rocks.

Feels so nice to bath your feet in the water.

I never actually made my way up there. I fully intended to.....but then I fell and twisted my ankle so badly that Steve carried me/supported me limping back about 1.5ish km before the firemen found us. Chris was a wonderful pack horse who took all the bags while singing to keep me occupied. Steve and Chris do a wonderful duet. You should hear Chris rap.

In many of these places there are rocks that bare Chinese writing, like the one behind me. The Koreans didn't have their own writing system until about 500 years ago.

The pictures end here, we only got to see three out of the seven due to my accident. On the other hand we got a free ambulance ride to the bus station, water and a power bar........I try to look on the bright side....


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