Sunday, October 07, 2007


This was our last "day off for some reason or another" so we decided to go to Susundae for a BBQ and a wee bit of sun. This was right after my wondrous meeting with the ground once more so in a few pictures Steve had to get me with my crutches....which by the way look like fun but after the first day it hurts so much you can't even gimp walk properly!!

Sonny, Martyn and I preparing the food. Where's Steve you might have where near the food until it's done as is his regular thing I'm finding out!!

We found a spot right near the bridge and set ourselves up. It was a beautiful day with hardly a cloud in the sky....perfect.

Susundae is an area which boasts a beautiful natural area, and also is home to the International Geochang Festival of Theatre.

Me soaking my fragile ankle.

Sonny and Martyn striking a pose.

And Steve doing the same.

I couldn't find a grip so Steve was leading me.....well his whole body to make sure I didn't slip.

Sonny didn't want to get didn't matter.......

We fought back......

Sonny and I Koreaning it out in this photo ( I mean with the peace signs.........every Korean person does this.....I'm not even exaggerating!!!)

Steve decided to pick me up and dunk me.......then he underestimated my ability to get even...... yes even in my crippled state he went down.

A Buddhist temple tucked away from the crowd.

They have these water fountains in tourist places. Yes we've drank from them and yes we have considered that the water was poisoned........which is why we always wait until a Korean has drank from it first.....

My photo that proves that crutches were a part of my life.

This actually proves that Steve doesn't look good in women's clothing.......I owe you 20 Travis.

One of the outdoor theatres.

A big ole turtle.........

I liked this turtle the best.

The river smoothed over these rocks, in the rainy season you can actually see water near here.

Big rock, a lot of Chinese writing on it........all over it.

Steve trying to break his neck.


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