Monday, February 12, 2007

Korean BBQ January 21

Moglie is happy showing us the bird he killed with his gun. In minutes we will have that birds shoved into our faces/ mouths. Steve is still scarred from the experience.........he didn't want to eat the cute bird.

Martyn and Steve staying warm with alcohol........wait doesn't that actually make you colder? Wonder if they know that?

Barbarian!!! He didn't like me winning the war..........

Wax on, wax off. Karate kid eat you heart out.

The girlfriend and the sister...........I feel bad, I can't remember Mogli's G/f's name, but beside her in pink is Vicky, Jack's sister.

My girl Sunny and I. Don't we make a stunning pair!!

Martyn acting all dangerous with Mogli's gun..........which would later kill the cute birds.

Jack was the man cooking everything. Delicious food!!!

This is me "corrupting" the nieces. One Monkey.

Oh and look!! There's monkey two and monkey three. Aren't children imaginative?

We found some ice! Steve showed everyone his moves.

Martyn tried to break the ice........and well it was actually frozen solid....lucky for Steve.

I don't know who Steve thinks he's fooling...we can all see the cap.

This was just some land scape that surrounded us while we were at the BBQ. Granted if we looked the other way we could see people cutting down the trees.............but this way is much nicer!!


At 3:48 AM, Blogger 2 cup teabag said...

Hi Cheryl, gotta appologise - I stole some of your pics for my blogg!


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